• Breast Cancer
    SurgeonSafe Hands

  • Choices
    ExplainedHolistic Care

  • Dedicated TeamMultidisciplinary Approach

A/Prof Beverley Fosh


A/Prof  Beverley Fosh

A/Prof Beverley Fosh obtained her Fellowship in General Surgery from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2011. She graduated in Medicine from the University of Dundee in 1997 and obtained her post graduate Doctorate in cancer surgery in 2005 whilst working at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide.

After completing surgical training Beverley extended her experience in her chosen speciality through a Fellowship at Flinders Medical Centre in the Breast and Endocrine Surgical Unit.

She practises as a General Surgeon with a special interest in Breast and Surgical Oncology.

Complementing her clinical practice Beverley has continued her research, published numerous papers and given presentations at State and International Meetings and is involved with trials for Breast Cancer treatment. She is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at Flinders University and supervised a PhD student project in Autologous Fat Transfer for patients who have had breast cancer. Her connection with The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons includes being a tutor and mentor for surgical trainees. She is also a lecturer for Medical Students.

Beverley is also the Chair of the executive committee for the South Australian Breast Cancer Study Group, which is a multidisciplinary group of health professionals to provide excellence in breast cancer care.

Beverley’s special interest is Breast surgery, for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of both benign and malignant disease, combining the best techniques of plastic surgery and oncology surgery to remove the cancer whilst maintaining the natural shape of the breast.. She works closely in a Multi-Disciplinary Team with Plastic Surgeons, Radiologists, Oncologists, Pathologists, Radiotherapists as well as Breast Care Nurses and Clinical Psychologists to give a holistic approach of care to each patient with cancer.

For those who carry the BRCA gene or have a strong family history of breast cancer, Beverley can offer wise and supportive counsel. Working in partnership with our plastic surgeons, she will guide you through every possible treatment option including breast reconstruction after mastectomy.

Bev is married with two children. Her interests include cooking, fitness and travel

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS)
  • Member of Breast Surgery ANZ
  • Member of General Surgeons Australia (GSA)
  • Member of the Academy of Surgical Educators (ASE)
  • Senior Clinic Lecturer, Flinders University
  • Full Specialist Registration (AHPRA)


  • Oncoplastic Masterclass in European School of Surgery (Ecole Europeenne de Chirurgie), Paris
  • Level II Oncoplastic Surgery Workshop, Breast Surgeons of Australia & New Zealand
  • Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound, Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine

Publications (peer reviewed journals)

  1. Electolytic ablation of the rate pancreas; A feasibility trial
    BMC Gastroenterology
    2001 1(1):9
    Fosh BG, Finch JG, Anthony A, Riches K, Maddern GJ
  2. Surgical Research training using pigs and sheep as models
    Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART)
    2001 p 39-42
    Fosh BG, Maddern GJ
  3. Oesophageal Diverticula
    British Journal of Surgery
    2001 May; 88(5):629-42
    Thomas ML, Anthony AA, Fosh BG, Finch JG, Maddern GJ
  4. Electrolysis and other local ablative techniques for non-resectable colorectal liver metastases
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2002; 72: 137 – 141
    Teague B, Wemyss-Holden S, Fosh BG, Dennison A, Maddern GJ
  5. Liver electrolysis: pH can reliably monitor the extent of porcine hepatic ablation
    Clin Sci (Lond)
    2002 April; 102(4):389-95
    Finch JG, Fosh BG, Anthony A, Maddern GJ
  6. The use of liver electrolysis as an adjunct to liver resection
    British Journal of Surgery
    2002 August; 89(8):999-1002
    Fosh BG, Finch JG, Lea M, Black C, Wong S, Maddern GJ
  7. A case report of primary HCC being treated with electrolysis
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2003 December; 73(12):1068-70
    Fosh BG, Finch JG, Anthony A, Lea M, Black C, Wong S, Maddern GJ
  8. The use of a “liquid” electrode in hepatic electrolysis
    Journal of Surgical Research
    2004 August; 120(2):2 72-7
    Finch JG, Fosh BG, Anthony A, Maddern GJ
  9. Maternal GIST in Twin Pregnancy: Case report of a rare and complex management challenge
    Gynaecologic Oncology Case Reports
    2012 November 2 (4) 133-135
    Igras ET, Fosh BG, Neuhaus SJ
  10. Part Time General Surgical Training In South Australia – Its success and failure
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2012 December; 82(12):8 90-4
    Neuhaus SJ, Igras ET, Fosh BG, Benson S
  11. Radiology Induced Necrosis Of Breast
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2014 June; 84 (6): 489-491
    Fosh BG, Hainsworth A, Asokan G, Gilhotra A, Hoffmann C
  12. Cosmesis outcomes for sector resection for DCIS
    Annals of Surgical Oncology
    2014 Apr; 21(4):1271-5
    Fosh BG, Hainsworth A, Beumer J, Howes B, McLeay W, Eaton M
  13. Autologous Fat Grafting for Whole Breast Reconstruction: A Case Report
    Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Glob Online
    2014 Apr 7; 2(3):e124
    Howes B, Fosh BG, Watson D, Yip JM, Eaton M, Smallman A, Dean N
  14. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS): Breast-conserving Surgery without Radiotherapy
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2015 Apr;85(4):245-8
    Hainsworth A, Fosh BG, Raymond W, Birrell S, Hoffmann C, Eaton M, McLeay W
  15. Long Term Venous Access Insertion – “The learning Curve” A surgeons experience
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2015 October
    Fosh BG, Canepa M, Eaton M
  16. Gas-containing Gallstones: A Radiological finding.
    ANZ Journal of Surgery
    2015 May 18
    Marshall-Webb M, Fosh BG
  17. A systematic review of the impacts of active military service on sexual and
    reproductive health outcomes among servicewomen and female veterans of
    armed forces.
    The Journal of Military and Veteran Health
    Manuscript ID JMVH-2015-0037
    2016 March 15
    Neuhaus S, Kumar S, Fosh BG, Jones L, Rahmanian H, Crompvoets S
  18. Title: Quality of Life following total mastectomy with and without reconstruction vs breast conserving surgery for Breast Cancer: A case-controlled cohort study.
    Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
    2016 June
    Ms. Ref. No.:  JPRAS-D-15-00963R2
    Benjamin.H.L. Howes, David I. Watson, Chris Xu
  19. Breast Ductal Carcinoma In Situ-Literature review of adjuvant hormonal therapy.
    Oncology Reviews
    2016 December 7
    Beverley Fosh, Stephen Kinsey-Trotman, Zumin Shi
  20. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus 3-Dimensional Laser Scanning for Breast Volume Assessment After Breast ReconstructionWolters Kluwer Health, inc 2017
    Benjamin H.L. Howes, MBBS,* David I. Watson, MD, PhD,* Beverley Fosh, MD,* Jia Miin Yip, PhD,* Pakan Kleinig, MBBS,† and Nicola Ruth Dean, PhD*

A/Prof  Beverley Fosh


A/Prof Beverley Fosh

Level 4, 18 North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000

Phone: (08) 8213-1800